Monday, March 13, 2017

Discussione n.14: question about quizzes. Per il 15 marzo

Please take the poll on quizzes.

So far I haven't given you any. Do you miss them? Do you want them?

You should have a fairly good idea of where you stand based on the results in your compiti, and I am not sure a quiz score would clearly reflect your work/competence.

But I want to hear what you have to say.

OPTIONAL, leave a comment to this posting in addition to taking the poll.  If you prefer to remain anonymous, just take the poll.


  1. I prefer no quizzes because it can create lot of stress on students. Also, the score would not reflect any of our work and competence.

  2. I think that if quiz score would not clearly reflect our work/competence, then it is probably better not to use them.

  3. A quiz would be unnecessary because we are already graded on compiti which are like little quizzes.

  4. I agree with the other classmates that we don't need to take quizzes because our compiti are great reflections of how we're doing in class.
