Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Discussione n. 10: per 2 marzo

I was hoping it wouldn't happen but since it has ....
I am receiving messages from students who make mistakes in the file name, the email subject and the basic compito format.
When I uphold MY rules and reject their work, they get all worked up and blame me for not telling them they made a mistake and not giving them another chance (and in a hurry.)
It's time to take responsibility for what you do and for how you do it.
The propaedeutic  reason for my pedantic rules is to FORCE you into a state of heightened attention.
When you start your compito you must be aware that every little mistake (smart or dumb doesn't make a difference) is going to count. So, my rules are a warning: you are entering a danger area. Proceed with caution.
And one more thing: if I make an exception for any of you now, out of fairness, I will feel compelled to go back and make the same exception for people who made the same errors before (some of whom did not complain, did not blame me and simply learned their lesson.)

Add your COMMENTS. (Required)


  1. I did not have a problem following the rules in regards to the file name, the email, or the format. Having said that, I believe if the mistake is pointed out to the student, they will make sure not to make it again, so that their next assignment can be graded.

  2. I think the instructions are very clear to the email, file name and the format. They should learn from the mistakes they have made so far.

  3. Toni-Ann KreisbergMarch 2, 2017 at 7:03 AM

    The instructions are extremely clear and easy to follow. Everyone makes mistakes, however people should own up to their mistakes rather than blaming it on someone or something else. Students should just learn from what they did wrong previously and change their ways. Also, I do agree that if an exception is made for one person it is unfair for the whole of the class.

  4. I made some mistakes regarding to the format because I didn't fully understand it, but the professor corrected it for me. I will make sure that I don't make the same mistakes again.

  5. I have also made mistakes on my homework and it will not happen again.

  6. The instructions are clear and a student should Be penalized for not following instructions for formatting homework.

  7. I feel like there is no reason to complain, you have to learn how to work with your professor or anyone that is superior than you in life. I myself worked for hours on my assignment and still did not get any credit for it because my name wasn't on the top of the assignment so I have learned from my mistake and now I won't do it again.

  8. It is absolutely true. Everyone is responsible for his/her actions whether intentional or unintentional, right or wrong. Mistakes happen (unfortunately), but responsibility still goes to the doer.

  9. I feel like the last video in regards to formatting was necessary and made it pretty clear!

  10. I made some mistakes because I was unclear on how to format certain things but the video was very helpful.

  11. The videos that have been presented to us on how to format the assignments are clear and concise. We have to be careful and observant of rules and deadlines before we submit work.

  12. The instructions were very clear in the videos. I had no problem with it.
