Sunday, April 30, 2017

Scadenza 4 maggio: Video link

In COMMENT, post the link of your video reciting or singing E PENSO A TE.

Put the link also in the body of your compito email, AND in the compito itself under the task n.

REPLY: check your classmates videos and leave your comment to them IN ITALIANO!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Discussione n. 19 . Scadenza 2 aprile

Your COMMENTS are important:

as you noticed from time to time I include exercises with and answer key.

I wonder if this is wise, and if I should make the answers available for all exercise.

BUT I need your feedback.

For an exercise with answers, the correct methodology YOU should follow should be:

1) Study the material (rules, grammar, examples.)

2) Complete the exercise, leaving blank items you don't know.

3) Compare your answers to the correct list.

4) UNDERSTAND the cause of your errors.

5) Do the exercise over and check again.

In your COMMENTS, please answer:

Is it preferable to have the exercises with the answers?

And in that case, is it realistic to expect that students will follow this method step by step, or will the majority simply copy the answers to get a good grade?

There is no "correct" answer. Your opinion counts.


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Discussione 18: scadenza 30 marzo

Record the answers to Taks 5, compito 30 marzo on youtube.

Post the link in COMMENTS.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Discussione 17 per il 25 marzo

Watch these videos and compare your own performance (compito 20 marzo)

COMMENT: how does your work compare in terms of ACCURACY and CLARITY?
BE EXPLICIT. WHAT kind of work do you need to do to improve (IF you need improvement).

Friday, March 17, 2017

Discussione n. 16: per il 20 marzo

Post a youtube link.  CLOSED-EYES.
Conjugation of one WEAK and one STRONG   IRE verb

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Discussione n. 15: scadenza 15 marzo

Look at your COMPITO 11 marzo,  Task 5 - di che colore e' la bandiera......

Some of you ignored the model in the webpage, or DID NOT PAY ATTENTION, or not enough.


Perche'?  Perche BANDIERA e' femminile. The colors are ADJECTIVES.

REMINDER:  ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS analyze the NOUNS: are they M or F?  Singular or Plural?

ADJECTIVES must conform to GENDER (M/F)   AND  NUMBER (S/P)

VERBS are conjugated according to whatever person is the subject.

Translate the following in COMMENTS and EXPLAIN why you use two different forms of the verb.


"You, Flag, are beautiful and new."

Monday, March 13, 2017

Discussione n.14: question about quizzes. Per il 15 marzo

Please take the poll on quizzes.

So far I haven't given you any. Do you miss them? Do you want them?

You should have a fairly good idea of where you stand based on the results in your compiti, and I am not sure a quiz score would clearly reflect your work/competence.

But I want to hear what you have to say.

OPTIONAL, leave a comment to this posting in addition to taking the poll.  If you prefer to remain anonymous, just take the poll.

Discussione n. 13: check Italian media RE snowstorm in . Scadenza 15 marzo

I expect the impending snowstorm will be front page news in Italia.

Take a look at one or two publications (list below), read an article, and copy the WORDS you recognize, with the translation.

ATTENZIONE: check the correct translation of the words. IF you guessed the meaning wrong, write both your guess and the real translation.

ALSO:  can you guess words from the context rather than just by similarities with other languages you know?


Giornali Italiani

La Stampa
Il Corriere della Sera
La Repubblica
Il Fatto Quotidiano
Huffington Post

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Discussione 12: 8 marzo

Post the link to a YOUTUBE.

In the video: a occhi chiusi, record your autoritratto AND record the RITRATTO of a famous character. (See instructions in compito 8 marzo)

Friday, March 3, 2017

Discussione . n 11 per l'8 marzo

1) In italiano we use the definite article BEFORE the date.  Esempio: oggi e' il tre marzo.

2) Look at the headline: can you explain why I wrote < l'8 marzo > ?

3) QUICK look at any ITALIAN MEDIA websites and grab TWO headlines about l'8 marzo that explain what kind of special celebration it is WORLDWIDE.

4) COPY the headlines (and mention the website) and translate them to the best of your ability. Try to translate without dictionary.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Discussione n. 10: per 2 marzo

I was hoping it wouldn't happen but since it has ....
I am receiving messages from students who make mistakes in the file name, the email subject and the basic compito format.
When I uphold MY rules and reject their work, they get all worked up and blame me for not telling them they made a mistake and not giving them another chance (and in a hurry.)
It's time to take responsibility for what you do and for how you do it.
The propaedeutic  reason for my pedantic rules is to FORCE you into a state of heightened attention.
When you start your compito you must be aware that every little mistake (smart or dumb doesn't make a difference) is going to count. So, my rules are a warning: you are entering a danger area. Proceed with caution.
And one more thing: if I make an exception for any of you now, out of fairness, I will feel compelled to go back and make the same exception for people who made the same errors before (some of whom did not complain, did not blame me and simply learned their lesson.)

Add your COMMENTS. (Required)

Discussione n. 9: per il 2 marzo

TASK 5: 
The first person to COMMENT will choose a maximum of 5 USEFUL words from any of the exercises (click LINK  ).
What do I mean by USEFUL? Words that you would need to know in order to understand and communicate basic information.
The next person to COMMENT, will rewrite the first 5 words and add 5 more USEFUL words.
The third person will copy 10 words and add 5 more AND SO ON, until one of you will realize that all the useful words have been selected already.
WHEN that happens, open this file, LINK  and choose 5 more USEFUL WORDS from these lists.
And so on.
At the end we will have a list of words that EVERYBODY must know.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Discussione n. 8: POST YOUTUBE VIDEO 26 Febbraio

In COMMENTS, post the link to your YOUTUBE video.

REPLY: Watch at least 2 videos and leave your comments. Focus on pronunciation: what should you focus on in order to improve your pronunciation. Take it seriously.

Discussione n. 7: post your FEB 21 YOUTUBE VIDEO

I forgot to post this earlier.
In COMMENTS, type the URL of your FEB 21  youtube video.
REPLY: watch some of your classmates videos and comment on their performance.

Thursday, February 16, 2017


If you did not send the "I received the syllabus" message, I will not grade and return your compiti.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

DISCUSSIONE n. 6: scadenza 15 febbraio

I was really hoping nothing of this kind would happen, but here we are.
YES, you MUST leave a comment simply indicating that you read the thread. Nothing else.
If you want to add your personal opinion etc. go ahead, but it's not required.
I received this interesting message with a courteous inquiry about the reason for a no credit in a
On 2/12/2017 10:42 AM, XXXXXXX wrote:
Goodmorning professor,
I didn't receive credit for this work ? I thought you said to put our Italian name as the file name.
I'm very confused.
But this wasn't the only message I received from students who got a NO CREDIT, so I thought I would clarify for all:
On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 1:01 PM, italian1 spring17 <> wrote:
REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE WITH a statement that you watched the tutorial video  at


and that you were aware of all the requirements BEFORE you did your compito.

MOREOVER, state that you read and followed the directions in the compito itself that reads:
SCADENZA 9 febbraio
COMPITO  FILENAME: your-italian-name.9febbraio  (only RTF, DOC or DOCX)
EMAIL SUBJECT:   compito nove febbraio due mila diciassette
YESSSSIR! the email subject MUST CONTAIN the entire date, spelled out, in ITALIANO

If you received no credit for "a little stupid error," chances are next time you will be more careful.
     On 2/12/2017 1:43 PM, XXXXXXXX wrote:

 Observe that according to the student  "I" didn't "put into the instructions" the info necessary to avoid an error.
It is obviously MY fault.
I did everything that you put in the instructions. I put my Italian name in the file name and I put the appropriate words in the email subject. If there was any "little stuid error" made it would be an error that you didnt put into the instructions.
On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 1:46 PM, italian1 spring17 <> wrote:

Did you OPEN the file?

What did you see at the top?
On 2/12/2017 1:51 PM, XXXXXXXXX wrote:
Yes I did. It says "who are you? No credit" but I clearly put my italian name in the file like you asked. "celestino.9febbraio"
Here is the compito sent by the student. The red ink notes at the top are mine.
On 2/12/2017 1:53 PM, XXXXXXX wrote:

But, according to the student, it's my fault, because " I " didn't put something into the instructions.....
So because you didn't put something into the instructions of an assignment, I get no credit even though I spent over an hour working on it. 
On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 2:08 PM, italian1 spring17 <> wrote:
So, I played the video tutorial that you all saw, I took a screenshot of the relevant info and sent it with a comment below it
and now what other rude and obnoxious argument are you going to come up with?
On 2/12/2017 3:11 PM, XXXXX wrote:
The student of course is not rude or obnoxious. (Actually, rude and obnoxious people are so because they generally lack the finesse to understand they are rude and obnoxious. )
Notice again that it's my fault for not making the instructions clear.
Now, that is really really obnoxious.
I'm not being rude and or obnoxious. I asked you a simple question and you decided to speak to me like a child and refer to what I was asking as a "little stupid mistake". If you don't want to give me credit for an assignment because you didn't make the instructions clear that's fine but if this is how you interact with students on a regular basis it's truly a shame. Thank you.
ITALIAN 1010 code 52869 NET1
On 2/12/2017 4:30 PM, italian1 spring17 wrote:

The student asked "a simple question" and now the student is hurt.

My reply. I responded interlinearly copying part of the previous message (my response in BLUE INK)
ITALIAN 1010 code 52869 NET1
On 2/12/2017 3:11 PM, XXXXXXX wrote:
I'm not being rude and or obnoxious. I asked you a simple question and you decided to speak to me like a child
that was the question of a whiny, lazy, little child who believes s/he is always right by default and that everyone else must cater to their whims.

good luck finding the right universe out there where your fantasy-world will be realized.
ITALIAN 1010 code 52869 NET1
On 2/12/2017 6:10 PM, xxxx wrote:

And there you have it. Perfect reversal of reality. Complete refusal to accept responsibility. And a solid hour of my time wasted.
didn't ask to be catered too, sir. I asked a question. You are my professor. I would like to be able to ask a question without being called names. Your instructions were unclear. How could I believe I am always right if I'm asking a question to obtain clarity? Maybe you are the very names you decided to attack me with since you believe I don't have the right to ask a professor any questions. Nice to know you live in a "fantasy world" where students "cater to your whims" and not ask you any questions.
What is the moral of the story: in 99% of similar cases, the student made a mistake. So, before you jump to the conclusion that you MUST be right and I am some kind of witless moron, THINK TWICE and check THREE TIMES.
And when you find I made a mistake, I WILL THANK YOU for point it out. And so should you.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Discussione n. 5 : scadenza 15 febbraio

In comments post the link to your YOUTUBE video (see your compito for 15 febbraio.)

Also, post a REPLY to one of your classmates and comment or leave a suggestion about their clarity. Maybe you want to suggest that they speak louder or softer or whatever.

ALSO, tell them your opinion about the usefulness of these video selfies.

REPLY to any comment you want.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Discussione n. 4: scadenza lunedi 13 febbraio

1)  With the exception of FOOD, have you ever used ITALIAN WORDS either speaking or in writing?
Which words can you remember using?
2) Make an effort and try to come up with ONE Italian expression or Italian word (NOT RELATED TO FOOD) you are familiar with.  JUST ONE.
Everybody must come up with an original choice -- don't copy words that have been mentioned already BUT learn them and remember them if you didn't know them already.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Discussione n. 3: "Credibility."

Click this LINK and open the document.
As you read these messages think about them in terms of "credibility."
Then, write your comments about what you learned.


  • Full, complete sentences. You are not sending a text or chatting on FB.
  • Accuracy in spelling, grammar, syntax, punctuation.
  • Civility.
  • Comments are conversations with your classmates. Make sure THEY understand what you are trying to say.
  • Do not address your comments to me. You are communicating with the rest of the class.

Discussione n. 2: "How dare you?"

Click this LINK and read the document.

1) Analyze your first, immediate reaction.

2) Then, as a separate process, ask yourself the reason for this requirement.

3) Write your comment. You can skip n. 1 if you are not comfortable disclosing your first reaction. If you are, go ahead and answer.  Everybody must address n. 2.


  • Full, complete sentences. You are not sending a text or chatting on FB.
  • Accuracy in spelling, grammar, syntax, punctuation.
  • Civility.
  • Comments are conversations with your classmates. Make sure THEY understand what you are trying to say.
  • Do not address your comments to me. You are communicating with the rest of the class.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Discussione n. 1 -- scadenza 2 febbraio

How does your choice to study Italian relate to the rest of your personality, interests and/or experiences in life?

Click on Comment and type away.